Calisthenics Parallettes: Are They Really Worth It?

Published on January 24, 2024 | by The Art of Calisthenics


  • Different parallettes for calisthenics include wooden bars and metal frame designs, distinguished by material, height, length, and grip style.
  • Parallettes focus on bodyweight exercises, and offer a cost-effective, portable solution for calisthenics routines.
  • Using parallettes improves flexibility, posture, balance, enhances strength and muscle gain, and facilitates full-body workouts.
  • Investments in premium parallettes sets are worthwhile; they're durable and comfortable. Despite initially high costs, users achieve long-term benefits, including savings from no need for regular replacements.
  • Tips for using parallettes include starting with basic exercises, emphasizing safety, learning the front lever movement, mixing up workouts, and opting for quality equipment.

Ever eyed those sleek parallettes lining the gym floor and wondered if they're worth the hype? Dive into our comprehensive guide, getting to grips with every aspect of these calisthenics mainstays! We'll explore the different types, scratch beneath price tags, weigh up the benefits against the investment, and introduce you to a high-powered workout regimen. If you've pondered integrating parallettes into your fitness journey, this insider look answers a vital question: Are calisthenics parallettes really worth it? Find out now!

What are the Different Types of Parallettes Available for Calisthenics?

So, what are the different types of parallettes for calisthenics? There are several types. The types range from the wooden bars to metal frame designs. Consumers can choose from different brands, lengths, and heights. What distinguishes one type from another is the material used, its height, length, and style of grip.

Wooden parallettes are popular in the calisthenics world and often come in two types: 'Compact' and 'Extended'. Compact wooden bars are shorter, more portable, and cost-effective. These are perfect for beginners or for those on a tight budget. Extended wooden bars, on the other hand, offer more space for varied workouts but come at a slightly higher price.

The next step up from wooden bars is the 'Premium Parallettes'. They are made of steel for added durability and stability. This is a bit higher than the wooden paralletes, but a stellar choice for higher-level enthusiasts.

But, aren't parallettes the same as dip bars? Not quite. While parallettes are lower to the ground and focus on bodyweight exercises, dip bars are higher, more suitable for hanging exercises and upper body strength. Parallettes offer a lower-cost, more portable solution that is easy to integrate into various calisthenics routines.

Section 2: What are the Benefits of Using Parallettes for Calisthenics?

So, you wonder about the perks of parallettes in calisthenics? Let's dive in. For one, you get a load of health and fitness benefits. These nifty tools increase your body flexibility, improve your posture, and promote better balance. You see, training with parallettes involves almost all muscle groups. This leads to a full-body workout that not only burns fat but also enhances your overall fitness level.

"But hey," you might say, "I want to gain strength, not just fitness!" Good news, strength and muscle gain are up next.

Picture this: you're busting out dips or push-ups on your brand new parallettes. Because they're raised off the ground, you're able to go deeper into each rep. This puts more load on your muscles, which in turn leads to increased strength over time. Awesome, right?

Now, imagine you're eager to beef up your muscles. Can parallettes help with that? Absolutely! The resistance created by calisthenics exercises on parallettes promotes muscle growth. Trust me, you’ll be surprised with gain in biceps, triceps, shoulders, and core strength.

Want to know the best part? It all comes down to one simple tool — parallettes! They're an amazing, cost-effective way to improve your fitness, strength, and muscle size. But remember, the key isn't just the tool, but how you use it. Train smart, train consistent, and watch the magic happen. Parallettes are more than an investment in a tool. They are an investment in you.

Section 3: How Do Prices of Parallettes Range?

When you start looking for affordable parallettes for calisthenics, the first thing you notice is a wide range in prices. Let me give you the scoop.

The Wooden Parallettes Compact is the least expensive. Despite being the most affordable, it offers notabilities. For starters, its compact design makes it highly portable. Moreover, it's made of high-quality wood, ensuring durability.

On the other end of the spectrum, there's the metal Premium Parallettes. But don't be too quick to balk at this cost. They're crafted from high-grade materials, promising a long-lasting investment. With these, you can participate in a wide array of calisthenics exercises.

Now, are you pondering where to snag these? Would locally available parallettes be cheaper? Comparatively speaking, prices in local stores and on Amazon can be similar. The key difference comes in the variety and availability. Online platforms like Amazon typically offer a broader range in choices, giving you the freedom to find the perfect fit for your training routine.

Remember, while abiding by budget constraints is key, investing in quality parallettes is equally significant. The right set can truly motivate you to step up your calisthenics game. Happy shopping!

Section 4: Is Investing in a Premium Parallettes Set Worth it?

The big question is will it pay off? The answer is yes.

Why? Well, premium sets are more sturdy. They offer comfort and balance. Best of all, they last.

Plenty of users have said, "Wish I'd bought these first!" after throwing money at cheaper, flimsy sets that didn't last or were uncomfortable.

But, what about your wallet? Yes, it will feel the pinch. Prices range from around $20 for the Wooden Parallettes, to $100+ for the Premium Parallettes.

Despite the cost, the consensus is that the long-term benefits outweigh the initial investment. Added comfort, increased productivity during workouts due to stability and grip, and no need to replace them every few months make these a winner.

A winner for you, your workouts, and your wallet in the end.

What are Some Tips for Using Parallettes in Calisthenics?

When diving into workouts using parallettes, beginners often feel lost. No worries though, I'll share some key tips!

1. Try Common Exercises

I suggest you start with basic exercises with parallettes. This includes push-ups, dips, or even tuck holds. Over time, you will feel more confident, leading to more complex exercises.

2. Safety First

Second, make sure you adhere to safety measures when using parallettes. Protect your wrists, keep a tight grip, and ensure the parallettes are on a stable, non-slip surface. Don't rush, injuries are no fun!

3. Learning the Front Lever Movement

Do you know about the front lever movement with parallettes? This move requires strong core and upper body muscles. Initially, you might struggle but don't get dishearted. Keep practicing!

4. Mix it Up!

One of the best parts about varying workouts using parallettes is the adaptability of the equipment. You can use them for push-ups one day and handstands the next. Mix up your workouts to challenge different muscle groups!

5. Investing in Quality

Looking at the transcript, we see the price for the quality sets of parallettes. The Premium Parallettes seems steep, but if you're getting into calisthenics seriously, it's worth considering. These will offer a wider range of workout options, helping you make the most of your training!

And voila! These tips should help guide your journey in calisthenics with parallettes. Stay safe, keep training, and most importantly, have fun!


We've delved into parallettes – their types, costs, benefits. We also shared tips and tricks for training with them. Yet, the finance and potential gains balance is for you to decide. Remember, exercise variety and safety come first. Keep discovering new practices, enhancing strength, building muscles, and fostering fitness. Enjoy your calisthenics journey!