Best Parallettes: Are They Worth the Investment?

Published on January 28, 2024 | by The Art of Calisthenics


  • The best parallettes must be sturdy, have a comfortable grip, and offer stability. Recommended models for 2024 include Tumbl Trak, Vita Vibe Wood, GORNATION’s Calisthenics Equipment, and Rep Fitness Wood Parallette Set.
  • Wooden parallettes offer an excellent blend of safety, comfort, and grip. These characteristics make them superior to metal and plastic alternatives.
  • Parallettes allow for a full-body workout and are ideal for calisthenics exercises offering strength, mobility, and balance.
  • For beginners, start with starter exercises like the plank and L-sit and gradually increase intensity.
  • While purchasing parallettes, consider quality, durability, cost-effectiveness, and value for money.
  • GORNATION, Rogue, Rep Fitness, Mangetal, and Kensui are top brands for parallettes each offering unique benefits.
  • Height and adjustability of parallettes depend on individual needs and workout goals.
  • Travel-friendly parallettes are great for regular travelers. These are lightweight, portable, but may lack stability. Mangetal Push-Up stands and XTEK Gym XL are good travel parallette options.

Seeking those top-rated parallettes for your calisthenics needs? They’re worth every penny! Dive into our comprehensive guide examining the best parallettes of 2024. Whether you’re after durability, adjustability, or portability—we’ve got you covered! We’ll give you the lowdown on wood versus other materials, suggest exercises, and even provide a beginner’s guide. Stay with us, and let’s start pushing your fitness boundaries today!

What are the Best Parallettes for Calisthenics in 2024?

Choosing the best parallettes is key to success in calisthenics. The best parallettes must meet certain criteria. They must be sturdy, have a comfortable grip and offer stability. Top-rated parallettes never let me down on these fronts.

Now, let’s talk about the features you need from the best parallettes. Non-slip bases that provide stability are important. This gives you confidence to try challenging moves. Make sure your parallettes have roomy hand grips. This allows a comfortable and safe grip, even for longer workouts.

You’re probably wondering what my top picks are, aren’t you? I’m a fan of products like the Tumbl Trak Parallette Bars and the Vita Vibe Wood Parallette Bars. Both of these scored high in my review testing in 2024. They stack high in the best parallettes list, thanks to their build and added features.

We also have some top contenders to look out for in 2024. The GORNATION Calisthenics Equipment and Rep Fitness Wood Parallette Set are currently making waves.

If you have more questions about parallettes, take a look here. As a fitness buff, I’ve often found answers to my questions on this site. Their blog post about the best parallettes for calisthenics in 2024 is a must-read for all fitness enthusiasts.

Stay tuned as we dig into this topic deeper in the next sections. Together, we’ll explore all the facets of choosing the best parallettes for your fitness goals.

Why Choose Wood Parallettes over Others?

Ah, the joy of wood parallettes. There’s nothing quite like feeling the rich grain beneath your hands. But what makes them stand out from other types of parallette bars?

First off, they’re kind on your hands. Wood offers a tactile warmth unique to its nature. It’s no wonder I hear my fellow calisthenics enthusiasts rave about them. They tell me how wooden parallettes help them power through long, hard training sessions without causing discomfort or blisters.

What’s more, wood parallettes come with an impeccable grip. We all know how crucial a steady grip is when executing complex calisthenics movements, yes? Anything from handstands to planches. With wood, there’s an ideal balance between slip and stick, even when your hands are sweaty.

Wood also possesses an exquisite blend of strength and flex. Too rigid, and it’s more likely to break under extreme loads. Too flexible, it won’t offer necessary support. Wood has that striking balance.

Now sure, other materials like metal or plastic have their benefits. They might be more durable. They might even be cheaper. But when it comes to offering a blend of comfort, grip, and just the right amount of flex, wooden parallette bars reign supreme.

So, the question is, are wood parallettes worth the investment? As an ardent practitioner and lover of calisthenics, my answer is a resounding yes!

Parallettes workout, showcasing various exercises for a full-body workout.

What Exercises can be Executed with Parallettes?

Parallettes offer a world of exercise routines. Using these neat bars, you can execute various moves for a full-body workout. One popular routine is the L-sit. This move, made by lifting your body off the ground while keeping your legs extended, works your core muscles fiercely.

Another essential parallette workout is the handstand push-up, a favorite in calisthenics. Here, you perform a push-up in an inverted position, engaging your shoulders, triceps, and upper back. This move is impressive to witness and even more rewarding to execute, once you’ve got the hang of it.

Plank to pike is also a great move to try with parallettes. From a high plank position, you pull your body into a pike position, engaging your abs, hips, and lower back. These are just a few examples. There are so many parallette bars exercises that can help boost strength, mobility, and balance.

What about those who fancy calisthenics exercises with parallettes? Parallettes are perfect for this kind of workout. Beyond the standard exercises, you can attempt more dynamic moves like swings, shoot throughs, or even advanced sequences of L-sit to handstand.

These exercises demand coordination, strength, and control and lend an expressive, fluid element to your workout. They test your limits and reward you with improved strength, stability, and agility. The beauty of calisthenics lies in its simplicity and focus on functional, natural movement patterns – and parallettes are the perfect tool to explore this.

Remember to always ensure form and control to get the most out of your workouts. Happy exercising!

Beginners Guide: How to Start with Parallettes?

The initiation on the journey of using parallettes starts with beginner-friendly parallettes. These tools are crucial in calisthenics training. They are like low bars, designed to grant a nice grip while working out. They can aid amateurs in getting a hang of intense workouts gradually.

Peering into your exercise routine, the use of parallettes begins with simple starter exercises. Take the plank, for example! This exercise can be performed with your hands on the parallettes, immobile, and your body held straight.

Another exercise to plunge into would be the L-Sit. In this, sit with your legs straight forward, hands on the parallettes, and lift your body up. It might seem easy, but holding the position can be challenging for beginners!

An interesting exercise in the list is the push-up. The classic gym move, yes, but quite improved. Performing this with parallettes drives in more impact compared to normal ground-based push-ups.

Every exercise helps you grow stronger. But remember, take it slow and steady. The objective is to build strength and stability, not to rush and possibly get hurt.

Embarking on this voyage of body transformation, with the help of parallettes might seem tricky initially. But trust me, it’s a journey worth embarking on.

What to Consider when Purchasing Parallettes?

When purchasing parallettes, your first step is to check the quality. No one wants gear that falls apart or worse, cause injury. Trust me, it’s worth the research.

Next, look at the cost. Yes, high-end brands can mark up prices. But there’s a catch. Shop around. You might find great deals elsewhere. Remember that phrase, “value for money”? It’s a crucial aspect here.

Now, let’s dig a bit deeper. Quality and durability go hand in hand. These two will determine whether the parallettes last for some days or for something more akin to years. So if you find these at a reasonable price, it’s a win.

Then comes cost-effectiveness. It’s not just about how cheap the parallettes are. It’s about how much value they bring to you and your workout. Long-lasting, no breakdown, and an enhance to your workout.

Think of it as a cost-analysis for your parallettes: weigh the value received against the cost incurred.

To sum it up, check the quality and durability before you buy. Then, perform your own cost analysis. Thus, you ensure that the parallettes you buy are worth the investment. Happy shopping!

Evaluating parallettes: comparing height and adjustability of different types.

Evaluating Different Types of Parallettes Based on Height and Adjustability

Let’s chat about the best parallette height. Low, medium, or high – which is ideal for you? The height of your parallettes can change the game, seriously. Low elevation parallettes are nifty for strong stability during hardcore moves. That’s why many pros opt for them for push-ups and L-sits. But if you’re aiming to do deep handstands, high parallettes might just be your best friend.

What about the happy middle? Medium-sized parallettes, of course! They offer a good mix of range and stability, making them a favorite for many workouts.

Now, height is just one side of the coin. Imagine having the power to adjust the elevation to your liking? Enter adjustable parallettes. With these, you can switch from tall parallette bars to a lower stance in no time. This means you can fit the parallettes to your workout and not the other way around – quite the investor catch.

But the burning question remains – which are the best tall parallettes? It’s subjective and depends largely on your workout goals. For instance, taller bars allow for a wider array of exercises with increased range. But remember, these might be a bit wobbly and require a secure grip.

So, circle back to your exercise goals. Are you seeking stability or a wider exercise range? Answering this will help you find the best fit.

Pros and Cons of Portable and Travel-friendly Parallettes

When it comes to parallettes, the ‘one size fits all’ mantra doesn’t apply. Your training goals, lifestyle, and location play a significant role in the parallette type you should opt for. For those constantly on the move, travel-friendly parallettes are an excellent option.

The advantages of travel-friendly parallettes are numerous. They are easy to carry and fit well into most bags. This portability means you can continue with your routine no matter where you are. Also, most foldable parallettes are lightweight, making transportation effortless. Besides, these bars are often shorter, making storage simpler.

With portability as their main feature, these parallettes can lack stability. This is less than ideal for complex exercises requiring a steady base. Additionally, their shorter height might pose a challenge for specific workouts. But, their portability often makes up for these limitations.

To sum up, portable parallettes are invaluable for those who travel often. They provide a means to continue training without the burden of heavy equipment. However, if stability and height are major concerns, other parallette types might better suit your needs.

Ready to invest in your fitness journey? Find a range of portable parallettes for sale online that suit your needs and budget.


Choosing the right parallettes improves your calisthenics journey. Wood trumps other materials. Start with beginner-friendly exercises. Don’t skimp when buying—quality matters. Gornation, Rogue, and Rep Fitness offer top picks. Adjustability in height is key, and while portable parallettes are handy, they have limits. Aim for the perfect fit to elevate your fitness game!